What is Brotherhood of the Badge?
We wanted to send this out to everyone to explain a bit more about what exactly Brotherhood of the Badge is or as we often refer to it BOTB.
Brotherhood of the Badges' sole purpose is to honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, assist the families left behind and to assist those who are active/disabled/retired in any event they need help.
BOTB does have over 5,000 members collectively through some of the sites we are associated with. For example policelink, facebook and the official BOTB site. However to get the most out of BOTB we would suggest becoming an official memeber through our website (it's free).
We also cover at last count 50+ countries were we have active members. This is something unique to BOTB which allows our members many wonderful oppurtunities.
We are set up to respond and assist at a moments notice anywhere across the globe we have members/representatives. Whether it be assisting with a memorial service, setting up donation accounts for families, making phone calls to rally troops, making notification, etc...
Because we have members located all over the globe we have the ability to in a way play the connector or middle man, bridge together many sources taking the stress away from others.
Having so many members gives us all a wonderful oppurtunity to meet fellow Officers and supporters all over the world.
This is an actual quote from BOTB member Sgt. Joe Borda who is retired Malta Police Sgt and currently still resides on the beautiful island of Malta with his wife.
Sgt. Borda... ''Through BOTB not only have I meet and made thousands of great fellow LEO friends around the world but have also been offered to stay with them during our travels.''
Quote from another BOTB member...
Ofc. Bodenhamer... Recently my family and I took a vacation to Boston. Before we left I sent a message that we were going to be in the area, I had several members respond saying, call me when you get here and we will meet and show you guys around. Without BOTB that would have probably never happened. I have also heard several stories like this from other members as well.''
Most recently BOTB had a member who was diagnosed with cancer and was not given very long to live by the doctors. This made it very difficult on the family not only mentally but also financially. BOTB rallied around our members and for several months now members from across the globe have been sending money to assist this family. Not only did members rally around to help financially but more importantly to pray for our brother.
BOTB offers several groups on our official website many of which are specific to Law Enforcement (note: you must be a verified LEO active/disabled/retired to access some groups) were you can discuss training, tools, tactics, scenarios, specialty units, your shift, etc... with officers from agencies all over.
Along with the above groups we also have many groups for members who like to collect LE memoribilia, talk about day to day things, groups were you can ask members to pray for you or someone you know, post pictures of your travels, family, etc...
BOTB also has a group set up that is monitored by a several pastors.
There are groups set up and monitored by officers who have been killed in the line of duty family members to help each other deal with these tragic situations.
BOTB often times serves as a bridge bringing officers, officer ran business, supporters, etc... together. If you have a business or run an LE website and would like to work with us please let us know. We offer free advertising to LE owned business.
We are also currently working with several companies to provide discounts to our members on shopping, entertainment, insurance, travel, lodging, food and more.
Something new to BOTB is our suicidal prevention section. We are in the process of setting this up however shortly we will have designated members available 24 hours a day as well as many other useful and hopefully life saving services.
BOTB is a Police Officer founded and ran organization. You don't have to be a Police Officer to become a member, we have hundreds of wonderful supporters who dedicate their own time to us.
BOTB is also a place were you can praise and worship God. While we don't push this on anyone many of our members are available to talk to about our faith anytime you wish.
Please take a moment to check out our facebook page as well as the official BOTB site. If you decide we would be honore to have you as part of our BOTB family whether you are a LEO or a supporter.
We look forward to chating with you soon.
God Bless and Stay Safe.
Brotherhood of the Badge
''Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.''
John 15:13
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